title: “57th Disco Tray Studios Reflection” date: 2024-4-20 10:06:19 -0500 categories: reflection post author: Olivia Larson


Well! This week I didn’t go the meeting because instead I went to a Cybersecurity Webinar. Since I have begun the job search, I have been looking for any and all avenues that might lead to a job. Recently I have been considering Cybersecurity because it’s a very important field. However, since I haven’t studied it in college I was considering getting a Masters Degree or just simply doing a bootcamp in it. I thought it would be smart to attend this webinar so I could tip my toes in the water and see if I was actually interested in it.

So far I find it interesting! And I could definetly see myself going into the field later. I do think there’s a lot more work I need to do before I feel qualified to go into this field. There was a lot during the webinar that went over my head. I think I will continue researching and attend more webinars when I am able.

Also I’m almost done with the semester??? What??? This is so scary! What do you mean I have to leave my perfect little bubble that I’ve cultivated while here at Hendrix? I am both afraid and excited to move on to the next steps in my life.