Updates from this week!

I had a problem with getting my code to run. There were lots of red squiggles on the code and nothing would run. It wasn’t what was written but something to do with how the project was set up. Anyways I set up office hours with Dr. Goadrich and we were finally able to get it to work. IDK what the final straw was but something that we did made it run. A lot of my problems came from needing to update everything from javafx to my intellij software (it’s crazy that there’s no update for the software and instead I have to redownload it). Also I learned that my computer was completely full and there was no storage. I have slowly been deleting unnecessary files. Anyways I am still trying to get the simple function of moving between fxml files to work.

Also this was fall break weekend. I went to Tulsa and visited my roommate/best friend’s family and high school friends. I also got to see a soccer game and try out some bars and coffee shops. It was a lot of fun but I incorrectly assumed that I could get all of my work done Sunday afternoon and I was extremely wrong. Anyways trying to get work done now but I think I am running back into a similar problem of the evil red squiggles again. I will keep working on it just to check to make sure it isn’t the code this time.

That’s all for now. Below is a picture of me holding a chicken. (One of Raven’s high school friends has chickens)
