
Now that I have fxml files that would run, have interactive buttons that would move you from page to page, and the file path being saved there are 2 things I need to do. First was merge my updates to the repo and then second is make sure it’s not making a new window and it remembers what was inputted on the parent fxml file.


Turns out my project was corrupted so I recloned the repo on my computer and copied my updates into the new repo. This should have been an easy update; however, everything decided to break again and nothing would run. I ended up recopying the javafx files into intellij which shouldn’t have worked since it already have the javafx files in it. Anyways it did. Now the scary part is merging it without conflicts and I am scared of all the weird merge conflicts and my project breaking for the 3rd to 4th time


I think I discovered that the way I had set up the button to change the page was just deleting the first page and making a new one which is not helpful because I lose the uploaded file data. #not helpful. So I will be looking into that soon. But it is also possible that we will lose the first page and just have one page.

Harvest Moon

This weekend was our 2nd frisbee tournament. This is my favorite one that we go to because all the teams are super nice and just want to have fun rather than be super serious. Also it’s a costume tournament and our team went as Park Rangers. Unfortunately, I had to help make every single shirt for the team as well as all the props we needed. It just took a lot of time and there is a lot of things that I need to do. Anyways here’s our team picture.


Oh! and we won 2 games! Last year we only won 1 and the year before we lost all of them. SO we are improving!