
All I want is for this fxml file to open in a satisfying way! Every time it runs it opens too small and when it expands it’s all crammed into the top left corner! ARG! I am working on making it open correctly well as trying to integrate a css file to make it prettier. I guess that’s my job now. lol. I feel bad that I haven’t help contribute to the really hard aspects of this project, such as parsing the files into the database. I’ll reach out and see if either Matthew or Andrei need help. Also we need to set up another meeting with Prof Yorgey with a little demo as well as ask a lot of questions about the files.

Ultimate Frisbee

This is a really big week for the Ultimate team! We are hosting our 2nd annual Flight night!!! This is an event where we play the Lacrosse Team in a game of ultimate frisbee. It’s really fun because it’s such a strange cross over. Anyways, from what I remember this “rivary” started my freshman year when we both practiced on the football field. Lacrosse had the field right before us and sometimes they would take up 5 mins of our practice time. I think someone made a joke about it and word got around that we were grumpy with the lacrosse team (we were not) and the coach heard about it and gave a talking to thier team and then our captain heard about it and gave us a talking to. Anyways, we’ve joked about it since. We are also really close with the Lacrosse captain and we thought it’d be funny to play them and make a big event out of it. Last year they beat us 12-11 or something like that. It was universe point. They started off really rough but then started to pick up the game and soon figured out our stratedgy. Anyways, we’ll see how this game goes. Below are the posters I made for the event. I think they’re fun.

flight_night_frisbee1 flight_night_frisbee2