I have gotten a little behind with doing these reflections. I will be doing a more indepth one soon. Last week I was housesitting/ dogsitting and that took a lot of my time and I also did not have wifi while I was there. Anyways that set me back :(. Anyways the biggest highlights are that I am getting closer to figuring out the calendar. I have several theories why it doesn’t work. These theories range from the dates not being saved as DateTimes and the events not being sorted. I was getting close – ha == or atleast I thought I was getting close to it when Lucy organized all the files. I think the orginzation of the files will make a lot more sense– especially if someone were to look at our project. However, it definetely took me sometime to refigure out what the project was and how it worked. I will be meeting with Dr. Goadrich on Friday to get some help figuring out the calendar. Also my group is going to meet up with the Hendrix Today people again soon to talk about new updates we would like to make to the app. Again, I will give a more indepth reflection then.