This Weeks progress and mishaps

Let’s start with my mishaps because they’re the most silly


  • After all my trouble with remembering how to code and work with Github/Gitkraken I thought I was back in the swing of things. Turns out I was not making commits to my fork but rather on the main Disco repo this whole time! UGGG! I feel so silly for doing that because I’ve been working with pull requests since last fall! Anyways, I haven’t ruined the project yet but luckily it was brought to my attention early on.
  • (This next one isn’t my mishap but I think it still belongs in this category) This Thursday Teddy and I were supposed to meet with our Lake Nixon client to show them the progress that had been made on the app and ask for any adjustments they wanted. We were both remote that day (since it was storming that morning) and had the meeting schedueled at 9am. We both waited on the call for 15 minutes before reaching out. Turns out the storms had hit Little Rock worse than it was hitting Conway so we had to postpone our call. Definetely not a big deal but just good experience to know what to do in situations like that.


Luckily Dr. Goadrich was able to give us new Google Pixel phones to test our apps and they work so much better than the old phone I was using. Since being back at Disco I have:

  • Cleaned up the Home page of the Water Quality Testing app. In the original version they had an entry page that you had to go through each time to reach the navigation bar and the rest of the app. I removed it and several other pages to make the app more simple and streamlined for the user. I’ve also been trying to update the UI to make it look more like a real app that’s aesthetically appealing but that is proving more difficult than I thought. What should an app look like and how do you make it cohesive? I’ve been messing around with the layout, fonts, background images, placement of widgets, etc. I’m not super satisified with what I’ve done so far so I’m going to keep working with it. Simon and Teddy should be coming over to this project soon and can help with getting the backend working for Dr. Hatch and Dr.Hill.
  • I also broke some large issues done into smaller more managable issues that can be added into the milestones on Github. I think this will make the project more organized and managable!


  • The Hendrix Today app has progressed a lot since I last worked on it. When I looked at it, I had no notes, it’s basically perfect! Before summer started I was working on adding a Where Is…? directory to the app so students would know where certain offices were on campus. I learned that the floorplans online had not been updated in years so they were incorrect. In addition, in further conversations with the HDX communications office they decided that it was not really needed in the app so it was removed. I think that was the right decision. Dr. Goadrich later suggested that I work with the admissions office and make an app like that for them for my Capstone project. I hadn’t thought about my capstone at all yet and I definetly like the idea of that. Plus I already have some background in making it. So that’s where I’m at right now.

My goal for what I get done as I sit at the Information desk today

  • I am going to get the Camera instructions screen to look good! I have tried to find examples of in app instructions and I haven’t found anything that I like yet but this instructions screen is going to look so good!