I got a new laptop!

My old laptop had been bugging me for months and so I finally gave in and bought the new Macbook Pro. And I definetely get the hype! I can already tell that this laptop has a lot of power and I can’t wait to utilize it for Disco as well as my senior capstone. Anyways, I had to spend time this week learning how Macs work as well as redownloading all the software I needed. This took a suprising amount of time!


I corrected the number for PSAFE. When I originally coded that in months ago, I forgot to add a +1 to the number. I wasn’t able to test it until recently because we just got the app availble on TestFlight and earlier I was just using the andriod phone without a sim card in it. I’m glad I caught that now before anyone actually tried to use it later.