Fall break was great! I got to see some friends, work on costumes for halloween, and overall just relax for a moment. It was exactly what I need. However, I came back to one of the most stressful weeks. I have 2 papers and a test this week that I must prepare for. I think this is all doable but I probably will need to go into isolation mode and live at the library for a couple of days. No one will see me, hear me, or notice me. I will be the academic weapon that I’ve been training to be.

In disco this week I am looking at the loading screen. Right now it say’s “nothing to show!” while the events are loading on the screen. The “nothing to show” was suppose to indicate that there were no events in the database to display. So, I need to see about adding in a boolean to check if there are infact events and then display a message “Loading!”. This should be simple enough. Or atleast I hope it will be :)

Using an ipod for music

I recently asked my parents if they still had one of the old ipods. I wanted to listen to music without getting distracted by all the notifications on my phone. So far using an ipod has been really great for keeping me on track and I highly reccomend it to anyone that likes to listen to music/podcasts but hates getting distracted.