First feedback for the app

It’s been really cool being able to get feedback for our app. There are a lot of aspects of the app that people like and others aspects that they found confusing. During our last meeting, Jonathon and I went through the responses we had at the time and some things that some icons that we thought were straight forward were a little confusing to some people. So now we have added more issues to our repository. Below is a list.

New issues

  • Adding a dialog box for external links. This is useful for the user to know that they are leaving the app and also give them the choice to not.
  • changing the icon for the read/unread events. Users did not like/understand the exclamation icon so we are looking to change it so it doesn’t look like an important event.
  • adding another button for reserving spaces on campus. Although the master calendar looks pretty bad on phones, the request form is definetely usable.
  • make a special mark for events that have a deadline
  • put search functionality on home screen. The home screen and the search screen are pretty similar so we decided to group them together and just add a search button to the home screen.

The week of all the Pull Requests

I think Fall break was needed because I have been super productive at getting out pull requests. Granted, these have been relatively small but they were important. Here’s what I’ve done this week:

  • changed the orientation of the app to only be vertical! (the app did not look nice in a horizontal position and our team could not think of a reason why a user would want to change the orientation of the app). This was just a couple of small lines of code that needed to be inserted in a couple of specific places.
  • added Reserve room button. This was pretty simple: add button, onclick go to specific URL. However, it did change up how many buttons we have on the Resources screen so we may need to change the format of it to have it continue to look good.
  • Dialog box for external links. This lets the user know that they are leaving the app. The next step is to have it be able to be disabled if the user chooses. We wouldn’t want it to pop up everytime the user clicks on the menu link.

That’s all I have done for now but I’m hoping to get the disable done before our meeting on wednesday. I also am looking forward to go through more of our feedback with my group. It’s just such a great opportunity to see what makes sense to us and what makes sense to other people!