I just spent 3 hours trying to finish up the landing page. It’s basically ready execpt the page is too wide for the computer screen. I went ahead and submitted a pull request so that Jonathan and Dr. Goadrich could look at it and tell me what needs to be changed. Otherwise I am ready to move on to a new project. I believe my next one is working with Faulkner County Museum. I should be learning more about this project later once I am 100% with the App landing page for the Hendrix Today app. Also this is one of the few times that I am appricative for the COVID lockdown. Because of it we learned how to do a lot of work remotely and today was a day that I needed to do remote work. It was great! I was able to stay in my apartment and take care of myself while also being online and working on my project. I communicated with my other team member and we made plans for the future. I really hope that after college I can find either a remote or hybrid job. I just really like the flexibilty of being able to work where I want to!